Group visits of schoolchildren

For group visits of schoolchildren, we have the following option:
At the entrance to the museum, each child gets an audio-guide with a recorded tour of the museum.
Individual audio-guides allow children to move around the museum at their own pace.
If they wish, they can listen to the text again.
The cost
840 ₽/person |
No fee for 1 adult accompanying every 10 children
Quest game
For schoolchildren we offer the game "Fairy-tale Heroes".
During each game, children gain new knowledge and learn to work in a team.
How is the game going
Each team receives a route sheet and goes through a number of thematic stages. At the stations, the participants play in games, perform creative tasks and solve non-standard tasks.
At the end of the game, all teams receive souvenirs, and the winners are awarded prizes.
The cost
Group up to 10 people |
2500 ₽/group |
Group of 10 to 20 people |
3500 ₽/group |
Group of 21 to 30 people |
4500 ₽/group |
Group of 31+ people |
5500 ₽/group |
Entrance tickets are paid additionally
The game takes 1 hour 40 minutes
Time spent in the museum — not limited
Lesson for schoolchildren "City of the Golden Ring – the Treasure of Russia"
The exposition of our museum provides a new approach to study History, Literature, World Art, Fine Arts and even Physics.
Together with the City Center for the Development of Education in Yaroslavl, we have developed an interesting lesson for schoolchildren that solves many educational, pedagogical and developmental problems.
Course of the lesson
The class shall be divided into teams, each of which independently gets acquainted with one of the cities of the "Golden Ring". "Historical Reference" about the city is issued to help the participants. The obtained information is briefly entered in the "Route Sheet”.
At the next stage, each of the groups makes a presentation of their object to the rest of the participants, acts as a guide.
Schoolchildren go around the entire exposition having a great opportunity not only to see it but also to focus on significant details of the history and architecture of ancient Russian cities.
The cost
Group up to 10 people |
1900 ₽/group |
Group of 11 to 20 people |
2900 ₽/group |
Group of 21 to 30 people |
3900 ₽/group |
Group of 31+ people |
4900 ₽/group |
The lesson takes 1 hour
Time spent in the museum — not limited
Museum lesson for high school students "Hurry up to do good. From the history of patronage and charity"
The lesson will allow you to get acquainted with the concept of patronage, using the exhibits of the layout, using examples of famous personalities, to show the importance of the activities of patrons and benefactors.
Course of the lesson
This lesson is not really a lesson. Rather, an immersive excursion. It takes place in the form of a press conference, to which experts in the study of patronage, philanthropists, local historians and newspaper correspondents are invited, to whom the editor-in-chief has entrusted the task of writing a note for the Day of Patronage and Charity in Russia. Schoolchildren themselves act as invited participants, immersing themselves in various periods of the history of Russia and in the unforgettable atmosphere of the layout.
The duration of the lesson is 60 minutes.
The cost
Group up to 10 people |
1900 ₽/group |
Group of 11 to 20 people |
2900 ₽/group |
Group of 21 to 30 people |
3900 ₽/group |
Group of 31+ people |
4900 ₽/group |
Quiz adventure for children 5-8 years old "Balloon trip"
The lesson in an interactive form develops the cognitive activity of children. It gives new knowledge about the cities and sights of the route "Golden Ring of Russia", allows you to consolidate them in your activities.
Course of the lesson
According to legend, a group of children goes on a balloon trip. During the lesson, they get acquainted with interesting places and events of the four cities of the "Golden Ring". In the second part of the lesson, children are divided into 4 groups and compete in finding attractions on the layout. The most active and inquisitive are accepted into the "League of Layout Experts" and receive memorable souvenirs.
The duration of the lesson is 60 minutes.
The cost
Group up to 10 people |
2500 ₽/group |
Group of 11 to 20 people |
3500 ₽/group |
Group of 21 to 30 people |
4500 ₽/group |
Group of 31+ people |
5500 ₽/group |