Visitors are required to take care of the museum’s models and mechanisms, that are the private property, as well as to observe cleanliness, public order and the requirements of the following Rules:

  1. Comply with the requirements of the museum staff.
  2. Enter the museum only through the turnstile and exit the museum through the “exit” motorized gates.
  3. Enter the museum through the turnstile upon presentation of a ticket giving the right to visit the museum at the checkpoint. Tickets only qualify for a single entry to the museum on the day of purchase.
  4. Motorized gates are also intended for the entrance of visitors with disabilities.
  5. Save the ticket until the end of the visit (until the end of the time spent in the museum), show it at the request of the administration.
  6. In case of smoke or fire, or other situations that may affect the safety of visitors or the museum, immediately notify the museum staff.
  7. If you find neglected things and objects, immediately inform the museum staff about this and do not try to move them by yourself.
  8. Children under 14 years old can only visit the museum if accompanied by adults.
  9. Groups of visitors are only accepted according to prior arrangement.
  10. Registration for group visits to the museum is made by phone: 8 800 511 80 45 (daily, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.).
  11. Children, school and family groups can visit without a prior arrangement:
  12. Each children, school and family organized group (children up to 14 years old) must have 1 adult accompanying 10 children. Otherwise, the group may be refused to visit; in the case of a visit, the time for the group visit is limited to 1 hour.
  13. Parents and people accompanying children should familiarize children with the rules of attendance and be responsible for their observance.

Visitors are not allowed to:

  1. Enter in the outerwear.
  2. Carry oversized bags, suitcases, backpacks to the exhibition. These items should be left in the wardrobe. Bags, backpacks of medium size (as approved of the museum staff) should be left at the storage lockers. Small bags and backpacks on the back are not allowed (to avoid damage to the layout), it is allowed to carry them in hands.
  3. Enter with strollers. The museum provides a special place in the lobby for strollers.
  4. Enter with carrycots and other devices for carrying the child not in the arms of parents.
  5. Attend the museum without clothes.
  6. Carry in children's toys, balloons, flowers, branches, umbrellas of all sizes and other objects, left at the discretion of the museum staff.
  7. Enter through the turnstile without a ticket.
  8. Access to office and industrial premises unauthorized.
  9. Enter with food and drinks, as well as with bags and cloths that may stain visitors, models and layout mechanisms.
  10. Consume any drinks brought with you (alcoholic and nonalcoholic), enter the museum in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication.
  11. Bring pyrotechnic, flammable, poisonous, toxic, virulent substances, objects and liquids, household gas cylinders.
  12. Use any open fire, pyrotechnic devices (fireworks, firecrackers, etc.)
  13. Bring firearms, stabbing, cutting and easily breakable objects.
  14. Bring and / or carry any animals of any size.
  15. Smoke in the museum (including electronic cigarettes).
  16. Touch the models with your hands, hit them, put any objects on the layout.
  17. Spoil the layout, tear off figures, trees and other stationary and moving objects.
  18. Get under the layout.
  19. Put children on the guard rail.
  20. Damage any objects and equipment of the museum.
  21. Pollute or stain the premises and territory of the museum.
  22. Put any inscriptions in the corridors and hall of the museum.
  23. Run in the museum.
  24. Fight, insult staff or other visitors.
  25. Ride roller boards and skates, scooters, bicycles and other similar sports equipment, or walk in roller sneakers.
  26. Listen to audio through loudspeakers, use sound reinforcement and play musical instruments.
  27. Use the premises of the museum for commercial, advertising and other purposes without the written permission of its administration.
  28. Carry out any campaigning activity addressed to the general public.
  29. Stay in the museum after the closing hours.

Visitors to the Golden Ring show-model have the right to:

  1. Attend all areas of the museum, intended for visitors without time limits.
  2. Use photo and video equipment.
  3. Use the rental of audio guides, binoculars.
  4. Use handrails and steps for a more comfortable view, not hanging over the layout.
  5. Watch the show-model, take photos and shoot video only from the perimeter-marked areas.

To avoid accidents when visiting the museum, you must be careful and take into account that:

  1. The hall is darkened at regular intervals, imitating nightfall.
  2. The exposition is equipped with powerful sound and lighting effects.
  3. Wet floor cleaning is done regularly.
  4. When viewing the models with children sitting on shoulders, take into account the height of the doors and other gaps.
  5. When using the viewing podium, you must take into account your physical abilities before climbing and descending it

The administration reserves the right to:

  1. Change the working hours of the museum.
  2. Use photo and video materials taken in the museum, including photographs and videos of visitors, for commercial or other purposes.
  3. Allow professional photo and video shooting.
  4. Organize excursions in the museum. Organized excursions are allowed only if accompanied by museum staff or tour guides from travel agencies or other organizations that have entered into a contract with the museum’s administration.
  5. In order to ensure safety, museum employees are entitled to check visitors using a metal detector. In case of refusal of the visitor, the administration reserves the right to refuse visiting the museum.
  6. The administration has the right for video recording within the territory and in the premises of the museum in order to ensure safety.
  7. The administration reserves the right to regulate the number of visitors, terminating access to the museum.
  8. The administration reserves the right to refuse a visit to any person without explanation.
  9. The administration of the museum reserves the right to make changes to the contents of the layout: number of models and plot of scenes, movement of cars and trains, color scheme of the landscape, etc.

In case of violation of the rules, employees of the Museum “Golden Ring” show-model have the right to apply measures aimed at ensuring the safety and comfortable stay of visitors, such as to remove a troublemaker from the museum or impose a fine. For the loss and damage of the coat-check stub from the wardrobe, a fine of 200 RUB is charged.

The purchase of a ticket is the conclusion of an agreement according to which the visitor automatically agrees to all of the rules above.


Museum opening hours during New Year holidays:

  • From 29 December to 1 Januarty we open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • From January 2 to January 5 museum open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • From January 6 to January 8, the museum is open as usual from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.